Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Nuff Said

Here's her picture. What was I thinking not taking her home???

Sunday, July 26, 2009

It's Not You, It's Me...

I've decided not to adopt Scout. It's not that she isn't perfect. And not that she isn't everything I have been looking for. It's all me. For one thing, I have some personal stuff going on that really doesn't make it the right time to get another dog. And secondly, I'm not sure I WANT another dog. My bond with Stella is so strong, and our routine is so solid, I'm not sure I want to mess with it. Even for the perfect little dog. Man, I have GOT to get a picture of her up, she is SOOO cute. While my friend Rachel did post that two is better than 1, no one else has voted in the poll, leaving me to think that either none of you care, or no one reads this. Either way, it's ok. I have made my decision on my own. I am a grown up! Now I just need to focus my efforts on finding her a GREAT home, because honestly, I will die if some loser tries to adopt her just because she is cute...
Now what should I blog about? My quest for a new dog seems to have travelled down a dead end road..

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

She's Perfect, But Am I Ready?

Well lookie here. Two posts in two days. I am what you call a real blogger. ;.)
Ok Ok, enough with the suspense. I went to a somewhat local shelter in the hopes of bringing back a few adoptable dogs to boost our adoption floor. We're low on dogs, and like to help out other shelters when they are getting overcrowded. Well, I found two cute Aussies and one cute, adorable actually, fuzz face. I can't believe I don't have a picture!!! It will come shortly. Anyway, she's about a year old and probably a Lab/Griffon mix. Or, she's a German Wirehaired Pointer. Or, maybe a terrier? Although, I really don't think so... Anyway, what's important is that she is a FUZZ FACE!!! Plus, she's perfect!!! So sweet and well behaved. She heels when you walk with her, sits when you approach her and loves to play with other dogs. Oh, and she's ADORABLE!!! So, here's the thing. Why isn't she sitting next to me, cuddled in a dog bed rather than the Kuranda bed at the Shelter? I can't decide if I really want a second dog!! It's horrible isn't it? After all this, I find the perfect one and I can't commit to her. Ugh. Oh right, Stella also has to love her too, but I am assuming that won't be an issue. So, do I adopt her?? Those of you that added a second dog to your life must have some words of wisdom! Is one dog really that much easier? I need help....

Monday, July 20, 2009

Sundance, dancing in the sun

Neglectful. That describes how I have been with my blog. So sorry. I know you are all waiting with baited breath for a new post ;.)
Ok, so Sundance had a bit of a setback. Well, I had a bit of a setback with Sundance. I left him out when I went to a dinner party and apparently he spent the evening barking. My neighbor (which is about 1/4 mile away) complained, leaving me a not so nice note in the morning. ooops. So, he still comes and visits, but only the evenings. I take him to work during the day and leave him there if I am going out at night. He is making huge strides though. He loves to go to the neighboring park and isn't scared of the Chuck It anymore. He sleeps on his bed (i've removed the crate!) and he is getting more and more comfortable in the house. On the other hand, he still hates going new places, and I find myself not taking him on hikes because he gets so stressed out and doesn't enjoy himself. He would do great in a home that ad lots of acreage and he could run around there. Sounds like my dad's place would be perfect for him....hmmm.....
I have other big news but I am going to post it tomorrow. It involves me, a fuzzy faced dog named Scout, and convincing Stella she wants a sister.... Oh the suspense!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

Foster Dog Week 2

Things with Sundance are certainly progressing. I actually brought him back to the shelter for a few days around the 4th. I live close to where the fireworks display was and in Idaho, people love their firewrks, they shoot them off themselves for about a week prior to and after the 4th.  Anyway, Sundance is gaining self confidence and becoming more comfortable at my place. It was quite sweet, when I went to get him to take him back home, he saw me and began whining and crying. I guess he likes me! I've been shutting him out of his crate during the day, so he has to find other places to feel safe, but this evening he opened the crate up and went in. Smart dog! I guess he really likes it in there... 
As for Stella and Chip, not much has changed with them. 
They still live in the lap of luxury....

I've posted some pictures of my place too. It is way too cute, and what a view!!!! With Sundance progressing so nicely I am hopeful he'll be able to go to a new foster home in the coming weeks. In the meantime he'll hang out with us, enjoying the view and comfortable accomodations!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A NEW foster DOG!!!

I have begun work at the Animal Shelter of the Wood River Valley, and am thouroughly enjoying myself. Being back in Idaho is a bit of culture shock, but for the most part I have found the people to be incredibly friendly and warm. And the dogs! There are so many wonderful dogs here! The Wood River Valley is so lucky to have such a great animal shelter. The resources they put into their animals, as well as the resources they have for the community are amazing. Because it is an adoption guarantee shelter, they certainly have some long term residents. One cat has been here since I left 2 years ago. It makes me think she was waiting for me to come back to adopt her... There are also some long term resident dogs. One in particular peeked my interest. "Sundance" was dumped at the shelter after hours. It took staff 3 days to catch him, he was so shy and untrusting of humans. During his time at the shelter he has certainly blossomed. He even goes to an organized agility class which he really loves. Don't be fooled though, he is still a shy boy, and he displays his fear at the shelter by barking at anyone who passes by his kennel. I knew he wouldn't get adopted acting that way, and I had a hunch he probably hadn't ever been in a home setting. So, after making sure he and Stella would get along, and that he would behave around Chip, I decided to take him home as a foster, and try to get him some socialization.
So far it's been a bit rough. He is petrified of everything. Thank goodness for his crate. He retreats to it any time he is inside, which is fine with me. I am happy he has a safe spot. Our biggest challenge is that he won't go to the bathroom while here. He is too spooked by everything outside, and he paces or runs around the yard tail tucked. So, I have resorted to taking him back up to the shelter to go to the bathroom a couple times a day. (It's amazing, we get there and he walks around marking on everything...) Today we had a breakthrough- he trotted around the yard with his tail up, and didn't hide nearly as much. When we went inside I was able to call him over to me, open the front door and he ran inside. (Usually I have to creep up to him to put his leash on and coax him into the house) So, maybe we are making progress. Did I mention that the first day he got out of the yard and ran off for 3 hours? Thankfully he did come back when a thunderstorm passed through.... He sure is handsome though...
So, I'll keep you posted on Sundance's and my progress. If nothing else, I am learning how to be more patient.....

Saturday, June 20, 2009

With Love comes Pain

Yesterday my friend Rachel made the tough decision to put her cat Lou to sleep. She had had Lou for something like 18 years, and while he had been diagnosed with cancer and diabetes over a year ago, he was still chugging along, even though his new nickname was Skeletor. Rachel works as an emergency vet, and a large part of her job is, unfortunately, counseling people on euthanasia. Rachel is amazing at helping people come to peace with their decision and stressing the fact that sometimes euthanasia can be the greatest gift we give out pets. Being a "euthanasia counselor" however, didn't make the process any easier for her when it was time to put her beloved Lou to rest. Speaking with her made me think about Montana of course, and the euthanasia and grieving process I went through. As Rachel asked me for advice, I had the same thoughts go through my head: No matter what I say, this is a decision she has to be ok with. It is such a personal decision and it really doesn't matter what anyone else says.
I think Rachel made the right decision for Lou, and I think she agrees. What is so important for me, when dealing with the death of a loved pet, is that until you've done it yourself, you can't judge anyone else for the choices they make. I used to think some people were "prolongers" keeping their pets alive for themselves, rather than for the pet. But, quite honestly, after struggling with the decision for Montana, I understand why people wait as long as possible.
It saddens me how many of my friend's pets have been lost recently, but I am somewhat comforted by the thought of them all in pet heaven together, waiting for our time to join them. I sincerely hope that Lou, Tang, Montana, Mackay, Teddy, Chum, Maggie, Mariah and Jack, among others, are going to be ready for us when we join them. To all the pets that have touched our hearts and made us better people, I thank you!